Tapping Add a new account or in the Accounts screen displays the Account Settings form. You can use the form to view, modify or enter the details of an account.
You can also use the screen to delete the account, but only if there are no transactions linked to it and it is not referred to from Time Tracker or Products. If the account can be deleted, scroll to the bottom of the list of settings and tap Delete Account.
The screen contains the following sections:
This help topic describes the options in the form. If you require other introductory information, please refer to:
Each account should have a unique name so you can identify it easily.
Choose the appropriate category for the account. For information about which categories are available, see Selecting a Category.
This setting applies to Customer and Supplier accounts only.
Use this option to complete the contact details (name, email address and invoice address) from your stored contacts instead of typing them.
An account can be set to one of two types:
It is normal to leave this set to zero unless you are starting to use EasyBooks after your business has already started trading. If you have a software package keeping track of your accounts already, use it to prepare a Trial Balance on a date you want to start using EasyBooks. Use the balances as opening balances in EasyBooks.
Once you have set all your opening balances, remember to check your accounts are balanced by using the Trial Balance report. Check there is no Opening Balances line as described further in "What does the line 'Opening Balances' indicate?" in Using the Trial Balance Report.
This setting applies to Income and Expense accounts only.
Some accounts such as investment income and employee costs should be excluded from your VAT return. This is to prevent payments to employees from appearing as purchases and interest earned from appearing as income. If you are using the flat rate VAT scheme this is especially important because the amount of VAT is calculated using the total income.
This setting applies to Tax rate on sale and purchase accounts only.
Set the percentage rate for VAT. To set the standard rate, you may find it easier to do this using Business Settings because it changes both the sales VAT account and the purchase VAT account at the same time.
This setting applies to Income and Expense accounts only.
If you want EasyBooks to compare actual income and expenditure against your budget, see Setting a Budget.
You can use this field to enter any additional information about the account. This information is not presented in any invoices, statements or reports.
Over time you may find you add new accounts, especially customer accounts regularly. When you need to select an account - for example when entering a new transaction - you may find the list of accounts becomes long and contains accounts you no longer use. You can simplify the list, removing accounts you no longer use by marking the account as inactive.
Inactive accounts do not normally show up in the account selection. If you want to list all accounts, both active and inactive, see "Show Inactive Items" on Using the Settings screen.
Use the settings in this section to enter information about the customer that will appear in estimates, sales invoices and customer statements.
Set the invoice address. It is normal to include the name of your customer as the first line.
If you intend to use EasyBooks to send delivery notes as well as invoices, you can set the delivery address (if this differs from the customer's invoice address).
Some customers may require you to include a unique reference to identify you as a supplier of theirs. If so, enter this reference here. Note that the reference is an account setting, not a per-invoice value such as a purchase order reference.
Set the invoice address. It is normal to include the name of your customer as the first line.
Your standard payment terms are set in Business Settings. If you have agreed different terms, or you want a different text to appear on your customer invoices for this customer, type them here. These override the standard terms.
Your standard estimate terms are set in Business Settings. If you have agreed different terms, or you want a different text to appear on your customer estimates for this customer, type them here. These override the standard terms.
Setting the customer's email address allows you to send invoices to them direct from EasyBooks.
Note: If you would like to receive a copy of all invoices you send out, enter your email address under Business Settings. Each invoice will be sent with your email address in the bcc: (blind carbon copy) field of the email.
Use the settings in this section to enter information about the customer that will appear in estimates, sales invoices and customer statements.
Set the invoice address. It is normal to include the name of your customer as the first line.
If you intend to use EasyBooks to send delivery notes as well as invoices, you can set the delivery address (if this differs from the customer's invoice address).
Some customers may require you to include a unique reference to identify you as a supplier of theirs. If so, enter this reference here. Note that the reference is an account setting, not a per-invoice value such as a purchase order reference.
Your standard payment terms are set in Business Settings. If you have agreed different terms, or you want a different text to appear on your customer invoices for this customer, type them here. These override the standard terms.
Your standard estimate terms are set in Business Settings. If you have agreed different terms, or you want a different text to appear on your customer estimates for this customer, type them here. These override the standard terms.
Setting the customer's email address allows you to send invoices to them direct from EasyBooks.
Note: If you would like to receive a copy of all invoices you send out, enter your email address under Business Settings. Each invoice will be sent with your email address in the bcc: (blind carbon copy) field of the email.
Use the settings in this section to enter information about the supplier. This is optional, and may be useful if you intend to use EasyBooks to send remittance advices.
Set the address of your supplier. It is normal to include the name of your supplier as the first line.
Some suppliers may allocate you a unique reference to identify your account with them. If so, enter this reference here. Note that the reference is an account setting, not a per-invoice value such as a purchase order reference.
Setting the supplier's email address allows you to send remittance advices to them direct from EasyBooks.
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