The white area at the top lists any transactions that are on the statement you are currently viewing.
The dark area below lists any transactions that are not on any statement. It includes only those transactions that are dated on or before the date of the statement. Note: If you can see an old transaction in this area, it may indicate an error in your bookkeeping - you should investigate the transaction further.
You can move transactions from the lower to upper area by placing a tick in the checkbox, or selecting the line and pressing the space bar. You can re-order transactions or move transactions from the upper to lower area (or vice versa) by dragging and dropping them.
Right-clicking and choosing View and Edit allows you to view or make changes to a transaction.
This help topic describes the options in the screen. If you require other introductory information, please refer to:
Specify the date of the statement.
If you wish, specify a reference to include on the statement. If you are producing a statement for a customer, this may be your supplier reference number.
EasyBooks automatically sets the opening balance to be the same as the closing balance of the previous statement. You can specify a different amount if you wish (such as for the first statement).
Below the opening balance, EasyBooks lists the total value of all in and out transactions in the statement, and the closing balance.
Click the button at the bottom of the statement when in editing mode to add a new transaction to the statement. You may want to use this if you previously forgot to add a transaction into EasyBooks. EasyBooks applies the transaction in the same way as if you had entered it normally.
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