

How to... (Stock Screen)

The following describe how to carry out tasks in the Stock screen.

Add a new stock item

In the Stock screen, tap Add a new stock item and complete the details.

Modify products details

In the Stock screen, tap i and complete the details.

View all transactions for a product

In the Stock screen, tap the name of the stock item.

View all transactions (for all products)

In the Stock screen, tap All Stock Transactions

Enter a new sale

There are two main methods of entering sales. You can link the sale to a customer account or to your bank account. Using customer accounts requires you to enter two transactions, one for the sale and one for the customer's payment to your bank account. You may need to use customer accounts if either:

  • You need to send your customer an invoice.
  • Your customer will pay you at a later date.

To enter a new sale using a customer account, refer to How to...(Customers).

To enter a single transaction for the sale:

  1. In the Stock screen, tap the product you are selling.

  2. Tap Add a new transaction.

  3. Set Account 1 to an appropriate bank account and complete the other details. Product 1 is already set to the selected product and the Transaction Type is already set as a sale.

Enter a new purchase

There are two main methods of entering purchases. You can link the purchase to a supplier account or to your bank account. Using supplier accounts requires you to enter two transactions, one for the purchase invoice and one for the payment to your supplier. You may need to use supplier accounts if you receive an invoice from your supplier that you pay at a later date.

To enter a new purchase using a supplier account, refer to How to...(Suppliers).

To enter a single transaction for the purchase:

  1. In the Stock screen, tap the product you want to enter a purchase for.

  2. Tap Add a new transaction.

  3. Set Account 1 to an appropriate bank account or supplier account and complete the other details. Product 1 is already set to the selected product. Change Transaction Type to Out (Paid)* for purchases from the bank account or **Purchase for purchases using a supplier account.

Note: If you spend your own personal money on behalf of the business, a Petty Cash account named Personal Expenses can be used to keep track of money owed to you by your business. Select this account in Account 1.

Open an existing transaction
  1. In the Stock screen, tap the product. 

    If you are having trouble finding the transaction, tap All Transactions instead and use the search function as described later.

  2. Tap the existing transaction.

  3. If necessary, edit the details.

Search for product
  1. In the Stock screen, drag the list of products down to reveal the search bar.

  2. Type the name of the product you want to find.

Search for a transaction
  1. In the Stock screen, tap the stock item if you know it. If you don't know the stock item, drag the list of products down and tap All Stock Transactions.

  2. Tap search.

  3. Search by description, amount, account or account category. 

    Note: When searching by amount, you can type an exact amount such as 12.34 or a range such as 10.00-12.50

Adjust stock (stocktake)

If stock is damaged or missing, you may need to adjust the quantity and current valuation.

  1. In the Stock screen, tap i.

  2. Make changes to the Current Value and Current Quantity as needed. 

    Note: A stock adjustment transaction is added (dated today) when you tap Save.



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