This screen is displayed by clicking Customers in the EasyBooks sidebar. The screen lists all customers and the amounts they owe you. From this screen, you can:
The Customers screen provides a single location where you can carry out all customer-related tasks. In addition to the above, you can:
Customers screen (sales that relate to a specific customer).
Sales screen (all sales).
Services screen (all sales that relate to services).
Stock screen (all sales that relate to stock items).
Accounts screen (all accounts).
Payments (from customers): In the context of customers, a payment is an amount of money received from a customer. When you enter a payment, you specify the account (normally a bank account) in which you will receive the income. This allows you to check the payments against, for example, the statements your bank sends you (a feature of double-entry bookkeeping).
A payment reduces the amount the customer owes and increases the balance of the account in which it is received, which in turn affect items such as the Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Customer Aged Debt and any adjustments for the cash-based VAT scheme. A payment does not further affect your sales income and therefore other related items such as the Profit and Loss report.
Credits (to customers): A credit decreases the amount a customer owes and your income. It has the reverse effect to a sale.
For details of how to carry out tasks in the Customers screen, please refer to:
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