If you have customers in EasyBooks, you've probably noticed they're sorted alphabetically. Finding one customer in a long list can take a while if you're scrolling manually.
Instead, click on the Accounts Panel and start typing the first few letters of the account name. EasyBooks will scroll the list as needed and highlight the account as you type.
Some reports such as Profit & Loss, Trial Balance and Balance Sheet show total amounts that are computed from many transactions. Sometimes you might want to dig a little deeper into the figures to find out where they came from. To do this hover over the line using the mouse and you should see it highlights in grey. With the line selected, right-click (or ctrl click) on it and choose View Transactions. On the transactions list report that follows, you can right-click and choose Back to reload the main report.
Where possible, create a transaction as a duplicate of a previous entry, using the search box to find it. Most transactions are very similar to existing ones, and this saves a lot of time filling in fields.
You can also save time by using keyboard shortcuts. For example, to add a new transaction, click on the transaction list and use the shortcut Cmd+=. (Hold down the Cmd key while typing an equals symbol). This will bring up the transaction form. Navigate from field to field using the Tab key (Shift Tab to go back).
To set today's date, you can type Space followed by Tab to move to the next field.
When you've finished filling in the form, you can save and add a new transaction in one go using Cmd+=. To simply save the transaction just use Cmd+Return.
Open Contacts and EasyBooks and arrange them side by side. With EasyBooks open on the Customers list, drag as many contacts as you like from the Contacts app into the Customers panel. EasyBooks will create customer accounts and fill in the email address, postal addresses and name for you. You can drag a contact into an existing account to update it.
Use the Sales screen to list all your sales invoices. Select all invoices by clicking on the list, then use Cmd+a to select all at once. You can also select a subset by clicking the first entry you want, then scroll and hold down Shift while clicking on the last entry. Note that holding down Cmd while clicking individual invoices will add them to the selection.
To take a copy, drag the selection to a Finder window. It might help to set up Finder alongside EasyBooks first, with a new folder ready.
If you have a VAT registered business, EasyBooks will accept amounts including or excluding tax. It prompts you for which one it expects based on the accounts you're transferring between. The default behaviour for sales is to calculate the tax amount based on an amount excluding tax. If you would prefer to always work in amounts that include tax, open the app preferences from the menu bar. Find the option for Amount Entry and change it to "Always Incl Tax".
If you're working on a notebook, you might find you're short of space. To make the most out of the available screen space, remember these keyboard shortcuts as you use the app:
If you don't use all the features EasyBooks has to offer, you can turn them off to hide them from view. For example, you might decide you don't want to use Time Tracker, Stock or Services. To turn these options off and simplify the UI, use the menu option View > Show in Sidebar. Note this also turns on features if you have previously hidden them.
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